H&C Pet Stay

Yes, the rumours around the town is true - Hazel&Co Pet Stay is officially now open in Bangalore.

We offer to take care of your lovely furry babies while you have an event to attend for the day, an overnight trip or if you find yourself in an emergency that needs you to travel out of station. Our aim is to provide them if a home-like atmosphere and care, while you do your best to come back to them.

Why choose H&C Pet Stay, you might ask?

And you should!

Over a span of time, each of your pets will have developed certain timings, quirks, habits and definitely have requirements, just like all of us.

A typical pet boarder would not pay as much attention to your pet's needs 24x7. Being creatures of habit and discipline, your pet's ways of being should be nurtured with timely care and with minimal variables in their environment.

Separation from you and being exposed to scents that are unfamiliar to them, is more stressful than any of us can comprehend. With that kept in mind, we strive to offer:

  1. A home atmosphere with hygienic floors, odorless spaces & family like dynamic
  2. Adhering to their timings of walks, meds, meals, habits, etc
  3. Entertaining only your pet (1 pet at a time), your little ones have no reason for getting overwhelmed
  4. Reducing the possible high magnitude of variables from their everyday routine
  5. Tailored care & attention to each pet we host, at any given point of time

How would this work?

Well, it's fairly straightforward. Exactly as it would work in your house!

Post booking confirmation, you will be requested the following details before we can proceed:

  1. Any health conditions of your pets
  2. Their attachments and preferences (for instance, some pets love a walk after meals while others prefer to relieve themselves first)
  3. Are we to provide home cooked meals or will you be providing us with their meals.
  4. Grooming requirements

While you drop your pets off H&C Pet Stay, we insist on your bringing their bowls, toys, beds, supplements / medicines, food (if on a special diet), and most importantly - instructions of care. We also request you to bring a clothing of yours, to keep them company while you're away. You'll be surprised how soothing your scent can be to them.

What is the eligibility criteria?

Being 100% candid with you, we have no eligibility parameters. We have hosted puppies, energetic adults, territorial youngs and gentle seniors.

However, we have found high demand on few days of the week, clashing multiple bookings - in such a case, we would either prioritize:

  1. The first comers - pets who book with us, weeks or even months in advance.
  2. The greater need - pets who are socially anxious at boarders, prone to allergic attacks in public spaces, special meds & supplements at exact hours of the day, do not prefer to stay in crates / cages at nights, you get the point by now.

How can I initiate a discussion on this?

You may feel free to contact us on brandhazelandco@gmail.com

You can expect to hear from us 24-48 hours since query submission and we can take it forward from there.

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